As part of our identity as an organisation, in FMHOUSE we set guidelines to act with the highest standards of social responsibility. We strive to protect the environment and promote people’s well-being, and this is an essential part of our entrepreneurial culture. Among other initiatives, we have been signatories to the UN Global Compact since 2013 and have integrated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our daily operations. These guidelines are promoted at all levels of the organisation, ensuring that our actions are in line with our values and social commitments.
An example of the above is the contribution we made every year to various causes we identify with that was materialized last December with our participation in the XMas Tree solidarity event in Madrid. This event collects money through art to help organisations with extraordinary social work. On this occasion, Christmas trees designed by firms like Loewe, Hèrmes or Cartier were auctioned and their funds were allocated to two associations. On the one hand, the Pan and Peces Foundation, whose task is to provide the families most in need with basic food and cleaning and hygiene products in order to maintain their dignity regardless of their economic situation. The second association was the CESAL Foundation, which aims to achieve the social integration of young people at risk of exclusion through the catering industry.
Además de participar en este evento solidario, anualmente cada miembro de nuestro equipo realiza una propuesta para realizar una segunda aportacion y entre todos se elige una. Cada uno presentó una opción diferente, describiendo las actividades y objetivo de la organización, así como las razones por las que la consideraba ser merecedora de nuestro apoyo. Tras la votación del equipo, la asociación seleccionada fue Asprona, cuya misión es contribuir, con apoyos y oportunidades, a que cada Persona Con Discapacidad Intelectual o del Desarrollo (PCDID) y su familia puedan realizar su proyecto de calidad de vida, así como promover su inclusión como ciudadanos de pleno derecho en una sociedad justa y solidaria.
En FMHOUSE nos sentimos orgullosos de poder contribuir a construir un mundo mejor y estamos seguros de que los cambios y las mejoras son posibles con pequeños gestos que están al alcance de todos.