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I’m sure you have heard about ChatGPT, if not, you should spend 10 minutes today to learn about the system.

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Support in India!

The international consulting firm FMHOUSE through its Research unit, the FM Observatory, signed a collaboration agreement with GACS.

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EELISA is the first alliance of higher education institutions formed by different European states, which seeks to define and implement a common model

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Donaciones 2021

Donaciones 2021

Todos los años donamos una modesta cantidad económica a una causa, que consideramos está alineada con nuestros valores y principios.

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Workplace privacy

Open space is the most common office layout these days. We can find many positive outcomes from this concept. Communication

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Standing-up at work

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine urge employers to change their workplace culture and social norms

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I am a Facility Manager if…

A Facility Manager has among his functions developing corporative strategies for the building assets he manages, maximizing workspace policies, coordinating

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World FM Day

Next Wednesday, June the 10th, will be World FM Day. It will be a day to celebrate the role of

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La importancia de medir

En este artículo de Chris Hodges podéis encontrar unas reflexiones interesantes sobre la importancia de elegir bien qué ha de

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Re-Imaginando el trabajo

Aquí os traemos un vídeo muy interesante sobre el trabajo flexible. Recoge varias ideas sobre la flexibilidad y los cambios,

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Espacios mamá

“Espacio-mamá”, iniciativas como esta permiten a las mujeres extraer la leche en su lugar de trabajo y almacenarla para seguir

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Paneles solares en spray

Cada día somos conocedores de nuevos productos que esperemos que dentro de poco tiempo, cuando se comercialicen, puedan facilitar la

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Hola, ¿cómo
podemos ayudarte?

Rellena el siguiente formulario y te enviaremos el reglamento interno y código ético:

Hello, ¿how
can we help you?

Participate in the Observatorio FM

You can choose between these 3 options to participate:

How to participate?

Collaborating with the Observatorio FM is a personal and voluntary decision, and there is no contractual obligation or economic retribution for it.

Any interested person can apply to participate as a leader of a new project, or apply as a collaborator in an existing one.

A technical committee will evaluate the subject matter of the proposed projects and the applications of the participants, deciding which ones are carried out and by whom.

Each person decides how much they want to dedicate, depending on their availability or type of project. The aim is for it to be an altruistic activity and not an additional workload.

What does it consist of?

To promote and publish studies that help professionals in the sector and to help others understand our profession and discipline.

The results and deliverables are shared openly, always acknowledging the contributions of all authors and contributors.

The Observatorio FM’s activity will respect the objectivity, ethics, rigour and good practices that govern our Research area.

Contributors have access to the best collaborative tools, sectoral information and contacts, as well as the assistance of expert consultants and researchers at international level.


FM Observatory

FM Observatory is a platform which develops and disseminates Facility Management information. It’s accessible to all those who’d genuinely like to participate. Ethical use and objectivity are essential, and all results must be shared. You decide how long you devote to it and what you want to achieve.

You can participate as:

We will provide:

All contributions will be given credit in completed projects.



We are part of the European research group and we work in international teams to develop different types of initiatives:

We also work for service providers who require support with decisions linked to:



As accredited experts in the drafting processes of European and International standards on Asset and Facility Management, we are the perfect partner to assist you with:

FMHOUSE is the only Spanish-speaking consulting firm that participates in these processes.



At FMHOUSE we think that progress made in Facility Management should be shared, so we strive to produce and publish the following material:

The “FM Observatory” is open, should you like to contribute with a publication.



Our view of spaces or workplaces from a Facility Management perspective leads to a better understanding of such a need as a service, as it is essential to apply the same logic and methodology.

Generally we offer:

We apply our knowledge and experience to offices, learning spaces, shopping centres and the industrial environment.



In order to make the right decisions, clear accurate market data as well as facts about the organisation itself is essential. In the Facility Management environment, this is even more critical due to the impact it has on business.

Examples of benchmarks:

These services are requested mainly by end users, but also by service providers.


Customer Experience

Facility Management’s overarching goal is customer satisfaction, whether they are internal or external. Understanding their feelings and needs is the key to offering a good service.

Our support is based on:

We strive to understand and get to know our clients’ customers, in all sectors and types of businesses.


Digital Transformation

The Facility Management world is experiencing a major transition to digital environments. We help our clients understand how it impacts them and assist them throughout the change.

Our areas of support are:

We operate as independent advisers, not as brand vendors.

We advise end-users and service providers.


Service Design

All kinds of companies need to define or improve the way in which it structures supporting activities provided by Facility Management.

Our main products are:

Our proposals are structured according to individual requirements.

We help end customers and also service providers.

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