Do you think that you could save a lot a space for your company, but just don’t have a way to prove it?
Have you thought your facility could save a lot of energy (and money) by installing lighting sensors in the
rest rooms, but want some evidence? Do you believe your facility is spending much more on electricity
than other similar facilities? Do you think your maintenance expenditures are considerably less than those
of many other buildings and wish there were a way for you to get recognized for how well you’ve been
managing your maintenance program? Do you think you could save money by outsourcing more of your
A good benchmarking tool can help you come up with what you need to address all those questions.
What if instead of being an in-house facility professional, you work for an outsourcing or property
management company. Do you think you are managing your clients’ buildings more effectively than
others are and would you like to show that to prospective clients? Or should you be implementing a
daytime cleaning program for your janitorial clients, but don’t know how to justify it? Or have you heard
that you have lost a few clients because they think you are costing them more than your competitors?
Yes, a benchmarking tool can help your company too!